he early 1930's were difficult times for most people following the stock market crash in 1929. Parker was no exeption between 1929 and 1930, Parker's profits were cut in half. The Duofold didn't sell as well as it used to and although a redesign in the same year, making the Duofold more tapered and a bit shorter, kept sales going for a while, the Duofold was struggling in a slope and by 1933 it was phased out. Parker had successfully manufactured cheaper pens that had sold well. Most were all black and gold pens. like the Parker "DQ" and Raven Black. The Parker "DQ" (Duofold quality) was an attempt to capitalize on the Duofold name without lowering the the price of the Duofold, risking to undermine the name of the flag ship. |
hen pen companies went bankrupt and closeout sales started to flood the market with cheap pens, pen makers of the time were selling their product at discount prices. There was an incredible amount of pens out there but not much profit being done.
In early 1927 Parker had introduced the attractive slender and small ladies line pen nicknamed the Pastel. They were ment as a ladies alternative to the rather dull black Parker DQ and the Raven Black in the low price range. The Pastel sold for $3.50 for the pens and $3.00 for the pencils. The Pastel very quick became rather popular, much because of the bright and happy colours. |
Images © courtesy of Gary Cole |
arker had also developed and quietly began selling a new design, cheap school-pens in 1932. They sold in dime stores and were almost not advertised. The only ads that appeared were as inserts in general merchandise catalogues. They didn't have a brand name but one ad mentions the "Thriftime" pen. It was also known as the Duette, the model first mentioned in the January 1932 issue of the Parkergram (a Parker in-house news letter) as "low priced Duettes" and "To meet the insistent demand of the juvenile market". Irrespective of the times, students had to be able to write. The plastic in the Duettes proved too brittle and prone to ink-discolouration. To prevent this the last of the Duettes were made from old Duofold stock but already in 1933 the production. Other low end Parkers were however soon to follow.
lthough the button filler had been a phenomenal success there were still pople out there that preferred the lever filler, introduced by Parker's arch-competitor, Sheaffer. So already in 1932 Parker decided to cram a corporate foot into that market and, again using old Duofold stock, presented the Parco. Parker's first lever filler.
It sported a new kind of ball clip that was riveted into the cap with four "ears" (as opposed to all other Parkers having washer clips held down by a clip screw) and had a design of stepped chevrons and plates. The Parco also had four cap rings, two above the clip and two by the cap lip. |
arly in 1934 the Parkette was redesigned. The four-ringed model were discontinued and in it's place a dual line Parkette was introduced. The colours stayed the same but the overall design was changed. In the bottom line, "Junior", Parkette both pens and pencils now had a 3-stepped top in black plastic and two narrow cap rings. The nib had the engraving PARKETTE/Made in/USA. The "Junior" sold for $1.25, $0.75 for the pencil. Later the Duofold style colour Red and Black was replaced with a more monochrome Red.
The top line, Parkette De Luxe, came in two sizes, Standard and Slender. Both sizes had a rounded, white lined, black button on top of the cap and most distinctly, the cap and body was fluted, a number of lenghtwise grooves, unique to this pen. The De Luxe line had three cap bands. All the new Parkettes had gold plated trim, except the Black De Luxe that sported a chromium trim. The white lined top was soon, perhaps in late 1934, replaced by gold filled ones. |
They were imprinted Made in USA PARKETTE DE LUXE/By Parker Pen Co, while the nib was engraved PARKETTE/DE LUXE/PLAT PLT/Made in USA. Both De Luxes sold for $1.75 and the pencil cost $1.25. The pencils were one size fits all. There was also a round chromium plated desk set offered for $3.50, including pen. Although since the Parkette lacked the blind cap, there was no way to replace it with a taper, as was offered with the Duofolds. There are however examples of Parkettes with a black blind cap, quite possibly these were desk pens.
In 1935 the "Junior" pen lost the stepped ends. Somewhat cryptic the 1935 catalogue shows a design with a flat, black top that seems to be very illusive indeed. More common are the rounded versions. The cap still had two bands. the Parkette clip on both lines was also redesigned, losing the attractive chevrons. It was now practically plain, though still a ball clip and still with a point upwards. At the top it had the additional engraving Pat'd. |
n 1939 all the old Parkettes, including the Duo-Tone, disappeared from the Parker catalogue. In the 1940 catalogue they had been replaced with two new style pens referred to as the Parkette Zephyr and the
Writefine pen and pencil. They picked up the plain, tapered "military style" clip engraved Parker in block letters, previously introduced to the Challengers of the time. The Writefine had a metal clip screw, a plain cap band and the engraving Writefine on the nib.
The 1939 Writefine
Pens were offered for $1.00 each and the pencils cost $0.75. The pencils used a new style of led that Parker boasted was extra strong, even though it was extra thin.
he Writefine was not a Parkette per se, lacking all references to the model, save for being a lever filler and having the Visiometer window. The trim was gold filled but it was exceptionally thin layered and the Writefines are very prone to brassing.
The Zephyr also came in four colours:
They were offered in an extremely attractive, swiveled pattern and the colours were vibrant, making them quite a catch for present day collectors. The pens cost $1.95 while the pencils sold for $1.00. The Zephyr pencils also used the new Writefine lead. The body imprint read Parketter Zephyr/Made in USA by Parker. They sported a plain, gold Parkette/Made in USA/14kt nib. |
lready in late 1940 the Writefine pen was discontinued and the Writefine pencils were redesigned from being of a rather standard appearence to sporting a new kind of clip, held down by an extra long clip screw that also contained a visible eraser on top an serviced as a turning nob, to gradually extract more of the eraser when it was ground down. |
The new Writefine pencils were offered in the solid colours of Black, Red and Blue, a striped Scarlet Blue (that used the plasic of the Striped Duofold Vacumatics of the period) and a Black and Gold Sleeve Writefine pencil. In 1941 also the Parkette Zephyr was being phased our. |